
Saturday, October 13, 2012

proud to be blogger!!!!!hahaha

salam 1 m'sia
salam sjahtera
salam sedekat UniMAP di hati...(tetibo!!)

kali ni kite nak cite psl some1 yg special wat kite kat sini
die kakak,housemate, n girlfriend yg amat2x best
mse awl2x msk unimap dulu die housemate ziqah kat wang ulu
n skrg kat simpang 4 pun die housemate ziqah...
mse mle2x msk unimap,
kan ziqah ckp ziqah slalu nangis...
die ni lah yg slalu pujuk ziqah spy kuatkan semangat..
nak tau die sape???...
the sweetest "kakak"...TAIPING mali wo....
nilah orgnye...
manis orgnye semanis namenye...heheh
(kak bg promote akk)...hahaha
n u want to know something.....
she's a blogger too....
klik link kat bwh nak tgk blog die....hehehe 
hahaha....jgn lpe follow die...
blog die sweet....hehe
(akk...up kan komisen promote blog akk...hahahaah)
hope akk jd akk yg plg sweet untk kite selamenye.....
hehehe...sayang akk banyak2x...

back to "student" life.....

like wut i mention before....
i will leave my blog 4 a long time and suddenly come back...
miss me or not?????
BUT now i've strong reason why i take my "MC" as a blogger 4 a long time....
i'm a STUDENT now....
the UNIVERSITY STUDENT WO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but wait a sec....i'm not dreaming right???...huahuahua....(nonsense la kau ziqah)
and u know wut....finally my dream to be business student come true....
wut a wonderful life....
it's not easy to be a "international business" student tau....hehehe
(ok2x'll boring)

(proses tkr bhse sdg b'laku........loading........................done!!)
nak tau cite x....
first time dpt tau ziqah kne pi PERLIS,
air mate dah mengalir dah....hurmmmm jauhnye....
ayah pun tnye...
"boleh ke akk duduk jauh tu??"
alahai ayah......setiap ayatnye blh buat air mate ni murah untk mengalir...
nak wat camne....nilah pengorbanannye.....haha
act bile sampai je sini....rase nak nangis...
can i live here????
first week msk unimap...ari2x ziqah nangis....
hahaha....x blh lpe lagi time ayah peluk lame2x sblm drg balik....
hehe...sume nangis & aku lagi la melalak time tu...
ramai gile tgk tp ADO AKU KESAH???
bukan sng nak jauh ngan family..
heheh...tapi skrg dah ok....
housemate kat sini mmg best.....
kami dah mcm family dah....
sume kple gile2x....

nak tgk gmbr kami???

ni br sebahagian yerk.....
housemate plg best ar krg.....
yg t'baik...kami 1 kepale....
kalo gelak x hingat....hahaha

classmate kat sini amt m'bantu...
n u know wut ziqah ngan kawan2x dpt mak tiri kat sini....
tawau mali bha...
garang gile....hahaha...
ampun hafsah!!!

nilah mak tiri kami....hahahaha
act ziqah x larat nak cite byak....nnt ziqah sambung.....
sblm tu kite layan pic ziqah n kawan2x kat sini....
salam semua...
ukhuwah fillah abadan abada!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

it's hard to say goodbye !! T_T

u ask 4 some1 who can give back ur yesterday...
if i can do it,i'll do it 4 u....bcoz i want it too...

maybe it was not a long meeting but we faced a lot of sweet memories
seriously,i already miss madam farahana,presentation and our last xtvt....
should i confess it???? 
madam sgt2x best.....

just like a painter who paints a beautiful scenery in my life..
thanks bcoz be one of my great painter!!!!...
thanks bcoz show me the right way to know my weakness
and make me more confident....
like i've said yesterday
"maybe after this i can do my own speech for public speaking and speak confidently"

kak ikin thanks always take me to go there...
izati,izat mad dan & rafnor....thanks coz alway be there..with me...
after this maybe hard 4 us to meet...please keep in touch yeah.... 
and my new frenz....thanks 4 ur comment and be my great classmate...

just want to share all of u...our picture....
new confession:why i like picture.....bcoz it never change even the person in the picture be far away from us.....

adios madam farahana,classmate n kolej komuniti tampin...

in SILENT mood !!

if my blog be my boyfie of coz he will leave me....
it's been long time i'm not here....
busy with my real life....hua hua hua...
so,my blog....please dont be my boyfie....ahaks....

oh my ALLAH....
many things i've face before...
n i feel sorry bcoz not write about it...
but i'll will do it ASAP...
the reason why i'm not being here is :
my finger dont want to dance at the keyboard...
(the real means"LAZY")


Friday, June 8, 2012

tutorial tudung style sesuke hati.. (tdg bawal jer)

salam 1 MALAYSIA!!!

act aku mmg cr tdg ni lme sgt & akhirnye jmp jgk ...special thanks kat kak ikin...hihihihi....
act aku nak tnjk ar cr2x nak pkai tdg ni....aku blaja dr dena bahrin aku tukar ikt ske ati aku je....hehehe....(sbb tu nme die style sesuke hati)...ahaks...

gayenye nnt akan jd sebegini yerk.....

hahaha...bajet cml jerk....

step2x nye cam gini...mudah je....

step 1-pakai tdg cam biase...pinkan tdg tu same rate pnjgnye..

step 2- amik mane2x side tudung tu untk pinkan kat bhgn kepala

ni bkn atas kepala tau....just tepi tu je....

then,pinkan die....

step 3-amik bahagian dalam tudung dan pinkan di bahu

pastu kemaskan tudung tu biar nmpk cntk ckit...

and !!!!!

siap !!

mudah bukan??

yang penting gaye ni sesuai untk wanita islam sbb mmg labuh smp tutup bahagian dada...
ingat !!
fesyen2x jgk tp aurat ttp kne tutup....

so,amacam.....senang je wat tdg gaye aku....t'pulang untk anda menilainya...hik3x...

ok2x aku nak bla nih....jgn lpe untk m'cube ye....kalo krg ade style lain kongsi2x ar ngan aku....hehehe


Saturday, May 12, 2012

"DERA".....x cool lgsg larh,,,,,

den mmg anti btl larh kalo dgr cite psl dera2 bdk nih....hisyh....ape ke b***h sgt ke die tu sggp dera ank sbb gdh ngan bf....cbe kalo ko kat tmpt die....sakit x????....hisyh.....x de keje lain la ko nih.....kalo dah grm sgt ko pi la blsh beg pasir kat gym sdp ckit....skt pun ko rse blk(skt tgn daa).....ape kejadahnye ko pi pkl bdk tu....hisyhhh....marah gile2 aku kat minah tu.....

"i marah ni tau...i pun manusia jgk"

sedangkan haiwan pun sggp protect ank die walaupun dlm bahaya.....aku lg tabik haiwan tu la dr ko.....

mrk pun ade perasaan syg....

in other case,aku mmg tabik sgt kat family yg bahagia sgt2......suke bile ayh&ibu saling m'dgr mslh ank2..m'didik ank2....dan m'punyai cr sendiri untk m'didik ank2 drpd m'gunakan kekerasan t'hdp ank2.....

m'doakan ibu bapa adlh satu kewajipan bg s'org ank....baik atau buruk,cantik atau hodoh,kasar atau lembut....mrk ttp ibu bapa kita yg x de gantinya.....

*mak ayh.....eqa syg mak ayh slamenye.....terima kasih untk segalanye.....insya-ALLAH kejayaan yg eqa miliki nnt milik mak ayh jgk.....

Friday, May 11, 2012


salam 1 MALAYSIA!!!(tetibo)

sawang2 mule merewang kat blog nih....aduss spe pny blog ni erk.....hushhh....semak2....mau kasi sapu brsh ini blog hari ni.....
(sori...merewang ckit)

psl title yg x blh bla nih...."SUAMI AKU USTAZ" tuu....kan bgs kalo jd realiti....ahhhh(berangan sebentar dgn kit kat) .....aku rse kalo ade la org cam ustaz hafiz dlm nvl ni....aku pinang org tu.....(act dah hmpr jmp dah).....jln cite amat2 menarik....over sure x boring bace nvl nih.....

"SETIAP LELAKI YG BAIK AKAN M'DAPAT PEREMPUAN YG BAIK DAN BEGITULAH SEBALIKNYA".....harap2 ade lelaki yg baik untk aku....hihihi......dalam nvl nih ustaz hafiz amat2 b'sbr m'bimbing isteri die walaupun isterinya msh muda remaja.....hahaha....aku t'tarik dgn pendekatan die untk m'bimbing isteri die....ahhhh(berangan lagi).....

*seyes x de idea lg.....sbb something happen over here.....arghhh....semak2....apepun...amikla iktibar dr setiap perkara yg kita lakukan spy blh dijadikan pedoman atau teladan.....

*special thanks to everlasting frenz(ELF) rafnor coz sudi bg aku pnjm nvl nih.....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

serius geram t'amat sgt......

geramnye pd seseorang....kalo rase aku ni x pntg lagi x prlula ko nak amik tau psl aku lagi...aku dah lame b'sbr ngan ko.....pergilah ko ngan kawan2 ko....adk angkt ko atau sape2 aje yg ko rse nak pegi....jgn pedulikan aku lg..aku nak hak aku sbg yg lbh layak untk ko.....aku kan selalu kecewakan org lbh baik aku sesorang je pasni....aku tau aku x cntk...x kurus...x menawa cam kwn2 ko x der hak nak ketepikan aku....aku ni bkn org lain untk ko....selame ni aku blh b' skrg aku x dpt nak kawal perasaan aku sendiri......kalo ko rase mrh sbb aku bang adk angkt ko yg melebih2 tu....just go on.....even ko x nak bls mesej aku sekali pun aku dah x ksh dah.....lantak ko la nak wat pe....aku ni x der nilainye untk ko lg....anggapla aku bukan sesape untk ko.....biarla aku dgn care aku...sbb aku bkn SITI HAZIQAH yg dulu....yg asyik ketagih kasih syg ko.....dan asyik nak perhatian ko....sekarang aku senang begini.....aku kuat untk lawan semua ni.....x perlulah ko risau tntg aku.......sprt yg aku ckp sblm ni.....kite x kan dpt spend time lame2 lagi....ko x kan b'sama aku lagi....sbb aku nak pergi jauh.....(aku sndr x tau nape sng sgt aku ckp cam ni skrg....nak SAMPAI MASE ke?)....ko pikir2kan lah mane yg t'baik....aku atau die.....

*sori kalo krg t'pakse ngadap bnd ni....x pasl2 jerk....hihihi
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